C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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673 lines
/*- -*- Fundamental -*-
* Facility: jotto(6)
* File: jotto.c
* Associated files: - [ none]
* Description: Plays the game of jotto
* Notes: No rules included.
* Portability: Edited to conform to X/Open Portability Guide,
* ed. 3, 1988
* Author: David M. Fogg
* 2632 N.E. Fremont
* Portland, OR 97212
* Editor: Anders Thulin
* Rydsvagen 288
* S-582 50 Linkoping
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Copyright (c) 1981 by David M. Fogg
* Permission is herewith granted for noncommercial distribution
* through the BDS User's Group; any and all forms of commercial
* redistribution are strenuously unwished-for.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Edit history :
* Vers Ed Date By Comments
* ---- --- ---------- ---------------- -------------------------------
* 1.0 0 1980-11-13 David M. Fogg Creation day
* 1 1980-11-18 David M. Fogg Creation ... finished
* 2 1980-11-10 David M. Fogg Bugwork
* 1.1 3 1988-10-25 Anders Thulin Many BDS-isms removed to make
* program K&R compatible. General
* cleanup for portability. Added
* some comments.
/* - - Configuration options: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
* The following environments are supported:
* BSD Berkeley UNIX
* SV2 AT&T UNIX System V.2
* XPG3 X/Open Portability Guide, ed. 3
* ZTC205 MS-DOS + Zortech C 2.05
* If you have an ANSI C conforming compiler, define ANSI. Otherwise,
* use the definition that best matches your environment.
#define ANSI 0 /* 1 -> ANSI C, 0 -> K&R */
#define BSD 0
#define SV2 0
#define XPG2 0
#define ZTC205 1
#if ANSI
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <time.h>
#if BSD
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
typedef long time_t;
extern void exit();
extern int rand();
extern void srand();
extern time_t time();
#if SV2
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
typedef long time_t;
extern void exit();
extern int rand();
extern void srand();
extern time_t time();
#if XPG3
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
typedef long time_t; /*[???] or should it be time_t from <sys/types.h> ? */
extern void exit();
extern int rand();
extern void srand();
extern time_t time();
#if ZTC205
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
typedef long time_t;
extern void exit();
extern int rand();
extern void srand();
extern time_t time();
# include <curses.h>
* Tweakables:
* The reason ALPHA_SIZE has been declared as a macro is that some
* compilers handle sizeof("<string>") as a synonym to sizeof(char *),
* which is wrong. ALPHA_SIZE should be defined to be the number
* of characters in the string ALPHABET.
#define WORD_FILE "jotto.wds" /* default word file */
#define MAXWORDS 600 /* max nr of words in word file */
#define ALPHA_SIZE 26
/* Code for RETURN/ENTER key -- some systems use \r, some \n */
#define RETURN '\n'
* Non-tweakables:
#ifndef TRUE
# define TRUE 1
# define FALSE 0
#define LETS 5 /* letters/word */
#define ISCORE 21 /* initial score */
/* screen layout parameters */
#define XTITLE 40 /* Title loc */
#define YTITLE 1
#define XPROMPT 33 /* prompt loc */
#define YPROMPT 4
#define XSCORE 3 /* score col */
#define XGUESS 10 /* guess col */
#define XMATCH 17 /* match col */
#define XSTATE 20 /* status col */
#define YHEAD 0 /* header row */
#define YFIRST 2 /* first guess row */
#define XLABELS 33 /* list labels col */
#define XLISTS 42 /* lists cols */
#define YYES 6 /* confirmed letters row */
#define YNO 8 /* eliminated letters row */
#define YPOSS 10 /* possible letters row */
#define XINST 30 /* instructions loc */
#define YINST 13
* Global variables
static int wordok, giveup;
static int score;
static char word[LETS+3];
static char guess[LETS+1], gots[LETS+1];
static int count;
static char guesslis[ISCORE+1][LETS+1];
static int changed;
static char nots[ALPHA_SIZE],
static char alphabet[] = ALPHABET;
* Local functions:
#ifdef __STDC__
static void dochange(void);
static void doguess(void);
static void doscreen(void);
static void dostate(int s);
static int getlet(void);
static void getword(char *wd);
static int inset(char *string, int ch);
static void inword(int x, int y, char *p, char *w);
static void modgot (int old, int new);
static int nomore(void);
static void printset(char *s);
static void xfer (int l, char *src, char *dest);
static void dochange();
static void doguess();
static void doscreen();
static void dostate();
static int getlet();
static void getword();
static int inset();
static void inword();
static void modgot ();
static void printset();
static int nomore();
static void xfer ();
* Routine: dochange
* Description: Read change commands from the terminal and
* perform the changes.
static void dochange ()
int ch;
int sc;
char let;
static char legals[] = {'A', '+', '=', '_', 'N', '+', RETURN, '\0'};
changed = 0;
wordok = FALSE;
mvaddstr(YPROMPT, XPROMPT, "Change: "); refresh();
do {
if (islower(ch = getch())) {
ch = toupper(ch);
} while (inset(legals, ch) == 0);
if (ch == 'A')
wordok = TRUE;
while (ch != RETURN && changed < LETS) {
switch (ch) {
case '=': ch = '+'; break;
case '_': ch = '-';
let = getlet(); addch(' ');
switch (ch) {
case '+': modgot(' ', let); break;
case '-': modgot(let, ' '); break;
case 'N': xfer(let, maybes, nots); break;
case 'M': xfer(let, nots, maybes); break;
do {
ch = toupper(getch());
} while (inset(legals, ch) == 0);
if (changed > 0) {
move(YPROMPT, XPROMPT); clrtoeol();
move(YYES, XLISTS); addstr(gots);
move(YNO, XLISTS); printset(nots);
move(YPOSS, XLISTS); printset(maybes);
for (sc = ISCORE; sc >= score ; --sc) dostate(sc);
* Routine: doguess
* Description: Input guess from user and process it.
static void doguess ()
int i, j, y;
char str[LETS+1];
/* 1. Get guess from user: */
y = YFIRST + ISCORE - score;
move(y, XSCORE); printw("%4d", score);
inword(XGUESS-1, y, " ", guess);
/* 2. Process guess: */
if (strcmp(guess, "?????") == 0) {
giveup = TRUE;
} else {
giveup = FALSE;
strcpy(str, word); count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LETS; ++i) {
if ((j = inset(str, guess[i])) > 0) {
str[j-1] = tolower(str[j-1]);
printw("%3d", count);
strcpy(guesslis[score], guess);
* Routine: doscreen
* Description: Clears the screen. Prints guess columns, some
* help text and various other stuff.
static void doscreen()
mvaddstr(YTITLE, XTITLE, "--> J O T T O <--");
mvaddstr(YHEAD, XSCORE, "Score Guess # STATE");
mvaddstr(YHEAD+1, XSCORE, "===== ===== = =====");
move(YYES, XLABELS+3); addstr("YES:");
move(YNO, XLABELS+4); addstr("NO:");
move(YPOSS, XLABELS+1); addstr("MAYBE:");
move(YPOSS, XLISTS); printset(maybes);
mvaddstr(YINST, XINST, "<????\?> to 'Your word:' gets random word");
mvaddstr(YINST+1, XINST, "<????\?> instead of guess aborts game");
mvaddstr(YINST+2, XINST, "Change:");
mvaddstr(YINST+3, XINST, " <A> allows re-entry of bad word");
mvaddstr(YINST+4, XINST, " <+X> adds 'X' to YES list");
mvaddstr(YINST+5, XINST, " <-X> takes 'X' off YES list");
mvaddstr(YINST+6, XINST, " <NX> move 'X' MAYBE->NO");
mvaddstr(YINST+7, XINST, " <MX> move 'X' NO->MAYBE");
mvaddstr(YINST+8, XINST, " <RETURN> performs changes (if any)");
mvaddstr(YINST+10, XINST, "STATE: upcase=YES; locase=maybe; '.'=NO");
* Routine: dostate
* Description: Print the 'state' of the guessed word for
* score s.
static void dostate (s)
int s;
int i, j;
char ch;
char ges[LETS+1], got[LETS+1];
strcpy(ges, guesslis[s]);
strcpy(got, gots);
for (i = 0; i < LETS; ++i) {
ch = ges[i];
if ((j = inset(got, ch)) > 0) {
strcpy(got+j-1, got+j);
addch((inset(nots, ch) > 0) ? '.' : tolower(ch));
* Routine: getlet
* Description: Read a valid character from the terminal,
* convert it to upper case, and return it.
* Non-valid characters are not echoed.
static int getlet()
int ch;
do {
ch = getch();
if (islower(ch)) {
ch = toupper(ch);
} while (!isalpha(ch) && ch != '?');
return (ch);
* Routine: getword
* Parameter: wd storage space for word
* Description: Reads a LETS-letter word from terminal.
static void getword (wd)
char *wd;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < LETS; ++i) {
wd[i] = getlet();
wd[LETS] = NULL;
* Routine: inset
* Parameters: str a reference string
* c a character
* Description: Return the position of the first occurrence of
* c in str.
* If c does not appear in str, 0 is returned.
* Note: inset("ABC", 'A') == 1
static int inset(str, c)
char *str;
int c;
char *p;
if ((p = strchr(str, c)) == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return p-str+1;
* Routine: inword
* Parameters: x, y screen coordinates
* p prompt string
* w input word
* Description: Prints a prompt string, and reads one word from
* the console. One word contains exactly LETS
* letters.
static void inword (x, y, p, w)
int x, y;
char *p, *w;
mvaddstr(y, x, p); getword(w);
* Routine: main
* Description: ...
int main (ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
FILE *wf;
int numwords;
char wordlist[MAXWORDS+1][LETS+1];
char wfil[15]; /* word file name */
/* 0. Read the jotto words: */
if (ac < 2) /* set wordfile name */
strcpy(wfil, WORD_FILE);
strcpy(wfil, av[1]);
if ((wf = fopen(wfil, "r")) == NULL) { /* open word file */
fprintf(stderr, "jotto: failed to open word file '%s'\n", wfil);
numwords = 0; /* read wordfile */
while (fgets(word, sizeof(word), wf) != NULL) {
word[LETS] = '\0';
strcpy(wordlist[numwords++], word);
/* 1. Initialize various things: */
initscr(); /* init curses */
srand((unsigned int) time((time_t *) 0));
/* 2. Main loop: */
while (TRUE) {
score = ISCORE;
nots[0] = NULL;
strcpy(maybes, alphabet);
strcpy(gots, " ");
inword(XPROMPT, YPROMPT, "Your word: ", word);
if (strcmp(word, "?????") == 0) {
strcpy(word, wordlist[rand() % numwords]);
mvaddstr(YPROMPT, XPROMPT, " ");
do {
if (strcmp(guess, word) != 0 && !giveup) dochange();
if (wordok) --score;
} while (strcmp(guess, word) != 0 && score > 0 && !giveup);
if (strcmp(guess, word))
printw("The word was: %s.", word);
printw("Congrats: you got %d points!", ++score);
if (nomore()) break;
return 0;
* Routine: modgot
* Parameters: old
* new
* Description: if gots[] contains the character old, then
* replace it with the character 'new'.
static void modgot (old, new)
char old, new;
int j;
if ((j = inset(gots, old)) > 0) gots[--j] = new;
* Routine: nomore
* Description: Ask if the user wishes another game.
* Return TRUE if he doesn't.
static int nomore ()
int ch;
mvaddstr(YPROMPT, XPROMPT, "Play again? [y/n] ");
do {
if (islower(ch = getch())) {
ch = toupper(ch);
} while (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N');
return (ch == 'N' ? TRUE : FALSE);
* Routine: printset
* Parameter: s a string with uppercase letters, not
* necessarily in alphabetical order.
* Description: Print the letters in s in alphabetical order
* leaving spaces between non-consecutive letters.
* Letters in s that also are in gots[] are printed
* in upper case. Otherwise in lower case.
static void printset (s)
char *s;
int i;
char c;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHA_SIZE; i++) {
c = alphabet[i];
if (inset(s, c)) {
addch(inset(gots, c) ? c : tolower(c));
} else {
addch(' ');
* Routine: xfer
* Parameters: l A character
* src The source string
* dest The destination string
* Description: Remove the character l from src and add it to
* dest.
* If l does not appear in src, do nothing.
static void xfer (l, src, dest)
char l;
char *src, *dest;
int j;
if ((j = inset(src, l)) > 0) {
strcpy(src+j-1, src+j);
dest[j = strlen(dest)] = l; dest[++j] = NULL;